Funnel improvement on Belgium!

Funnel improvement on Belgium! We definitely recommend to try this geo: thanks to the new private offers the conversion and eCPM are even better.

Dating TOP20:

  • Australia $89.8
  • Sweden $88.7
  • Denmark $85.3
  • Norway $84.9
  • Belgium $82.6
  • Austria $79.6
  • Switzerland $78.4
  • New Zealand $76.5
  • Luxembourg $74
  • United Kingdom $71.7
  • Germany $67.1
  • Canada $63.2
  • Finland $59.4
  • USA $54.8
  • Netherlands $51.3
  • Czech Republic $47.4
  • Italy $42.8
  • Portugal $40.2
  • France $37.1
  • Spain $34.2
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