Adult Games Smartlink: time to try Spain!

Recently, the interest in adult AI games has grown, and since then, many excellent offers on this topic have appeared on our Adult Games Smartlink. All Tier 1 geos show good results; especially Spain stands out.

Adult Games TOP20:

  • Spain $88.5
  • Australia $76.2
  • New Zealand $74.7
  • France $61.8
  • Switzerland $57.5
  • United Kingdom $49.6
  • Israel $49.1
  • Belgium $46.5
  • Canada $45.9
  • Portugal $44.3
  • USA $40.2
  • Italy $39.8
  • Malaysia $37.6
  • Netherlands $34.3
  • Russia $23.7
  • Germany $22.9
  • Turkey $20.4
  • Ukraine $19.5
  • Mexico $19.1
  • Brazil $17.5
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